Great for a complete beginner or experienced, you’ll chose your media, subject and style to explore how you can create in your own unique way and direction. You can focus on either drawing or painting. Discover drawing techniques that will transform your drawing abilities and confidence and explore a variety of drawing media. For painting learn how to use the paint boldly with control and consistency, develop excellent colour use and create greater confidence and understanding of painting techniques and media and what you need to know to really get the most out of your painting. If you’ve been thinking about giving drawing or painting a go or wanting to get back into it, this is the class for you. Bust out and discover what you can achieve, you won’t look back!
Limited to 12 places
What to bring:
Drawing: HB pencil and A4 or A3 drawing pad and any other drawing media you would like to use,
Painting: Paint, brushes, something to paint on and anything else you need.
If you’re unsure about anything or what to get, contact me for advice before the start date of the class and we’ll sort it out.
Age Suitability
While this is an adults drawing class, high school age students are welcome enrol if the parent/guardian is confident they are mature enough to attend.